The University of Buckingham, in partnership with the Universities of Coventry, Derby and the Royal Agricultural University are launching a research project to explore the development of ‘impact’ assessment tools for enterprising and entrepreneurial curricula.
The research project seeks to explore the potential to create online tools to assess the effects, impacts and/or changes which enterprising and entrepreneurial curricula facilitate. As part of the research we are seeking to engage enterprise educators and their students in critical conversations to understand their situations and, ultimately, frame a needs analysis for an online tool.
To capture these conversations we will be holding physical and virtual focus groups in the run-up to Christmas. Each group will, ideally, include 5 participants and the session will last around 2 hours; the sessions may include questions, activities and guided discussions. Physical focus groups will likely be located in the Midlands and the South West although we are investigating other locations, refreshments and limited travel allowances will be provided.
We would like to invite anyone who would like more information about the project or, is interested in participating in the research to contact me (Matt Rogers-Draycott).
Best, Matt